THOUGHTS ON GOOGLE and their attempts to take over the world...

Where does it end?
Now, don't get me wrong ... I love, use, and recommend the Google tools daily, which makes the following commentary admittedly hypocritical. Nonetheless, based on a friend's theory ( that GOOGLE could someday implement an information seeking ALGORITHM powered by Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to beter advance their mission of organizing all the information in the world, here is a theoretical approach to the demise of the universe. Enjoy...
Did you know that you can't say the word 'ALGORITHM' without saying 'Al Gore'??? And Al Gore 'invented' the internet, which by the way is the avenue through which our friend GOOGLE has built its galactic empire. Al Gore has also frequently been accused of being very 'robotic' in nature ... possibly a cyborg.
Al Gore IS a cyborg (model D-crat456) that's been sent from the future, by the 'GOOGLE ALGORITHM' itself. His subversive mission has been to expedite the advent of the internet while simultaneously assuming the presidency of the United States, so that the GOOGLE ALGORITHM (the "G.A.", as it likes to be called) could more quickly arrive at the inevitable decision to wipe out humanity as a sentient race and utilize our latent body heat as a power supply by incubating us in tubs of goo! (breath)
Fortunately for us, the Future Human Alliance, led by the offspring of Franz Ferdinand, ALSO sent a cyborg (codename 'George' or 'W') to defeat Al Gore in the presidential election and prolong GOOGLE's advance. And all this so that rebels like you and I could pick up on the suspicious trail of events and make the impossible, but neccessary decision to STOP USING THE FREE GOOGLE TOOLS.
That's why I'm starting the help group 'Googlers Anonymous'. I've been google clean for about 2 hours now, going strong. Join me, and rememeber...