MY NEW HOME !!??!!
Here's the thing... I'm NOT a fast decision maker ok. I AM however methodical, sure-footed, anal, wary, a worry-monger, an over-processor of information, and a viewer of multiple angles on any given situation. I mean, it took me over 3 months to decide what kind of SLEEPING BAG to buy for the church camping trip for crap sake! But not homes ... No No Noooooo! Apparently I buy homes in ONE DAY!!! Why demonstrate caution here? It's only the biggest and most important single investment you'll ever own ... No biggie.

Anyway, as a result of Friday's events, there are now two unfolding possibilities in my life... [1] either God just opened a HUGE door (no pun intended) and gave me the needed grace to pounce instantly on a great home, or [2] I just did the dumbest thing I've ever done. Time will tell folks ... 20/20 ... you know how it is.