Things I Miss
Throughout the course of my 28 years, there have been a multitude of products and fads that have come and gone like the flowers of the field. This is my tribute or 'ode' to those beloved products from my youth and your opportunity to share some of your own.

What is this bubbly water? Wait just a sec... this is sweet and refreshing. Holy brown! This is Pepsi! My mind is blown.

Quite possibly the greatest combination of flavors and ingredients of all time. Basically ... it tasted like cinnamon. Yummmmm!!!

It's what every boy really wants ... the ability to snap weapons and rocket boosters into every orophous on the human body.

VOLTRON (Vastly superior precursor to the Mighty Morphin Gay People)
What can I say about this masterpiece? It was made of interlocking metal parts, weighed in at about 5 lbs., and had to be shipped from Japan. Simply awesome!

The perfect toy to barter with and steal from unexpecting friends. That's right ... I'm admitting it. I committed Grand Theft Micro-Machine. But it was a rad gold colored corvette with red stripes ... you understand.
I've never even heard of Bigg Mixx, but I do remember thinking that Crystal Pepsi was pretty dang cool.
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